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Events Catering and Wholesale for Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs and Bars.

4mates offers exceptional catering options for your next event. Could be corporate meetings, business lunch, birthday, office party or sporting event. We also provides empanadas for Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs and Bars.

The minimum order for catering empanadas are 12 dozens. If you would like to see how to cook an empanada (baked or fried) please see our section for Frequently Asked Questions.
We can send the empanadas frozen, so you can bake or fried later, or we can deliver the empanadas cooked.
Empanadas Carne/Beef, Jamon & Queso/Ham & Cheese, Verdura/Spinach & Cheese and Caprese (tomate, cheese and basil).

You can download our: 4mates Wholesale Brochure

Contact our Catering/Wholesale department today if you have any question or special order at Catering form.


