Order your catering online.


4mates offers exceptional catering options for your next corporate meeting, business lunch, birthday, office party or sporting event. Minimum order 3 dozens.  Please check bellow for the delivery cost.

[fullwidth backgroundcolor=”#ffffff” backgroundimage=”https://4mates.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Cuchara.jpg” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”center top” backgroundattachment=”fixed” bordersize=”0px” bordercolor=”” paddingTop=”10px” paddingBottom=”10px”]

Please order your empanadas 72 hours or more before the delivery.


empanadas, flavours, code,

We estimate that each person could eat between 3 and 5 empanadas for lunch or dinner. So one dozen will be perfect for a family of four. If you would like to see how to cook an empanada (baked or fried) please see our section for Frequently Asked Questions.

Each empanada has 2 letters to identify the flavour. See on the right. ———->

View/Download the Empanadas Code brochure for flavours.


Frozen empanadas & baked empanadas for catering


[one_half last=”no”]

Empanada packaging2

[/one_half] [one_half last=”yes”]









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